Cloud ERP software system


We are glad to announce the initiation of the development of a completely new ERP software system. The web-based software system will be a very promising in-house asset for us that will give us the opportunity to offer even more complete solutions to our clients. Pushing many of the latest technologies of today up to their limits, Our lightweight but rather practical ERP, will cover all major functions of an organization.

Thanks to a very robust and sophisticated software system architecture, the ERP will provide modules for most sectors and departments of an enterprise, while it will be able to dynamically adapt to designed workflows. Many modules will be shipped out of the box; however all modules can be fully customized. New modules for specific installations can be also be developed by client request, but one of the platforms sophistication and innovation is the development of a quite powerful underlying framework & programming API that will allow organizations to extend their ERP installation at their will in order to drastically cover new needs or adapt to changes.

An indicative list of modules and functions are: CRM, Finance, HRM, Legal, SCM, Marketing, Warehouse and Call Center, while some functions will be available to all departments, like: Collaboration Intranet with instant communication, calendars and reminders, document management, support ticketing & issue tracking, time tracking and project management.


Edit: Read more about our ERP solution.